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Radiation hazards
Terms related to radiation and its hazards.
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Radiation hazards
Counts per minute (CPM)
Environment; Radiation hazards
A commonly used measure of radioactivity from particle emitters; since a detection instrument cannot operate at 100% efficiency, the CPM found will be less than the actual DPM
Committed effective dose equivalent
Environment; Radiation hazards
The dose equivalent to organs or tissues of reference that will be received from an intake of radioactive material by an individual during the 50 year period following intake.
Environment; Radiation hazards
A general term used for a radiation detection instrument, survey meter, or a liquid scintillation counter (LSC) that detects and measures radiation. The signals (needle blip and audio beep) show ...
Critical organ
Environment; Radiation hazards
The organ receiving the highest dose or highest amount of a particular nuclide that results in the greatest damage to the body as a result of an intake.
Environment; Radiation hazards
The deposition of unwanted radioactive material on the surfaces of structures, areas, objects, or personnel. Can either be fixed or removable.
Environment; Radiation hazards
X-rays produced when a charged particle loses energy in interactions with heavy nuclei when moving through matter.
Biological half life
Environment; Radiation hazards
The time that is required by an organism to eliminate half the amount of a substance that has entered it.