Home > Industry/Domain > Aerospace > Satellites


Of or relating to any man-made object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body.

Contributors in Satellites


Background noise

Aerospace; Satellites

(1) In recording and reproducing, the unwanted disturbance within a useful frequency band, independent of whether or not a signal is present. The signal is not to be included as part of the ...

Grey level

Aerospace; Satellites

(1) A shade of grey representing a given radiometric level, or intensity, on the image. (2) A number or value assigned to a position (x, y) on the image proportional to the integrated output, ...


Aerospace; Satellites

(1) In general, the point at which a further increase in input yields no further increase in output. (2) (optics) The presence of the maximum number of wavelengths over the spectral region ...


Aerospace; Satellites

(1) An abbreviation of binary digit. (2) A unit of memory corresponding to the ability to store the result of a choice between two alternatives, used especially in connexion with digital computing ...


Aerospace; Satellites

(1) In name only; so-called. (2) Loosely, a rough designation or an approximation. (3) According to plan or design: a nominal flight check.


Aerospace; Satellites

An image or photograph made by piecing together individual images or photographs covering adjacent areas.

Black body

Aerospace; Satellites

An ideal body which, if it existed, would be a perfect absorber and a perfect radiator, absorbing all incident radiation, reflecting none, and emitting radiation at all wavelengths. In remote ...

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