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Contributors in Teaching


Learning attainments

Education; Teaching

The set of knowledge, skills and/or competences an individual has acquired and/or is able to demonstrate after completion of a learning process, either formal, non-formal or informal.

Knowledge society

Education; Teaching

A society whose processes and practises are based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge.

European qualification framework for lifelong learning (EQF)

Education; Teaching

A reference tool for the description and comparison of qualification levels in qualifications systems developed at national, international or sectoral level. The EQF's main components are a set of 8 ...

Teacher of the Year

Education; Teaching

An annual my favourite teacher contest organised by Barnes & Noble to celebrate teachers' dedication to their students and their ability to inspire. Students are invited to nominate their favourite ...

Featured blossaries


Category: Education   1 1 Terms

Paintings by Albrecht Dürer

Category: Arts   2 19 Terms