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Electronic communication using one of the accepted protocols.

Contributors in Email


List management

Software; Email

How a mailing list is set up, administered and maintained. The list manager has daily responsibility over list operation, including processing subscribes and unsubscribes, bounce management, list ...

List owner

Software; Email

The organisation or individual who has gathered a list of email addresses. Ownership does not necessarily imply "with permission."

List rental

Software; Email

The process in which a publisher or advertiser pays a list owner to send its messages to that list. Usually involves the list owner sending the message's on the advertiser's behalf. (If someone hands ...

List sale

Software; Email

The actual purchase of a mailing list along with the rights to mail it directly. Permission can only be "sold" if the subsequent mailings continue to match the frequency, brand name, content, and ...

Mail bomb

Software; Email

An orchestrated attempt to shut down a mail server by sending more messages than it can handle in a short period of time. See DOS.

Mail exchange (MX) record

Software; Email

A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain and ...

Mail loop

Software; Email

A communication error between two email servers, usually happening when a misconfigured email triggers an automated response from the recipient server.

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