Home > Industry/Domain > Oil & gas > Oil
This category refers to oil as petroleum, a liquid flammable that occurs in nature that has a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and other varying liquid organic compounds. Oil is found in geologic formations under the Earth's surface.
Industry: Oil & gas
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Military properties
Oil & gas; Oil
Characteristics that combat ships should have: offensive power, protection, speed and autonomy.
Fluvio-maritime ports
Oil & gas; Oil
Those that are situated in parts of rivers that are subject to sea tide.
Merchant shipping staff
Oil & gas; Oil
Group made of all those people who perform activities on board national sea craft, in the naval building and fixing dockyards and in seacraft loading and unloading work (RTM, article 318).
Reserve of buoyancy
Oil & gas; Oil
Volume of the part of the ship which is above the fluctuation line when at full lading, which can be covered by the water.
Trundle truck
Oil & gas; Oil
A kind of low car, with a low skid mounted on four wheels, used for the transport of heavy sling volumes. 2 - Square rock, with a plain surface, which is moved on sand, on the deck of the ship, at ...