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Television advertising
Of or pertaining to any span of television programming (usually called commercial or advert) produced and paid for by an organisation for advertising purposes.
Industry: Advertising
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Television advertising
Brand loyalty
Advertising; Television advertising
The degree to which a customer is loyal to a given brand in that they are likely to re-purchase/re-use in the future. The level of loyalty indicates the degree to which a brand is protected form ...
Advertising; Television advertising
A branding strategy where a marketer with its own brand seeks to partner with an established brand owned by another organisation in hopes the synergy of the two brands is even more powerful than a ...
Hybrid model
Advertising; Television advertising
A combination of two or more online marketing payment models.
Guerilla marketing
Advertising; Television advertising
Unconventional marketing aiming to get maximum results investing minimal resources.
Advertising; Television advertising
A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose.
Advertising; Television advertising
Refers to a tv advertisement that did not run as originally scheduled as is being run again to "make good" on (or fulfil the intent of) the original ad order/contract.
Live feed
Advertising; Television advertising
A live feed is the use of a single broadcast transmission for each time zone. This means that programming that airs in primetime on the East coast at 8 PM will air on the West coast at 5 PM.