Contributors in Thanksgiving

Black Friday
Festivals; Thanksgiving
The Friday after Thanksgiving, and the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. The day's name originated in Philadelphia, where it originally was used to describe the heavy and disruptive ...

Happy Thanksgiving
Festivals; Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving is a popular expression people use to mark the celebration of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Thanksgiving is celebrated primarily in the United States on the fourth Thursday of ...
Festivals; Thanksgiving
A horn shaped symbol of harvest and abundance of food. The cornucopia is a tradition at Thanksgiving which originated in classical antiquity. It's usually a horn-shaped container overflowing with ...
Self-basting turkey
Festivals; Thanksgiving
A technique used to increase flavor, juiciness and weight in a turkey, poultry and other meats. Also known as enhanced meets, self-basting turkeys are injected or vacuum treated with water and ...
Basted turkey
Festivals; Thanksgiving
A technique used to increase flavor, juiciness and weight in a turkey, poultry and other meats. Also known as enhanced meets, basted turkeys are injected or vacuum treated with water and chemical ...
Deep-chilled turkey
Festivals; Thanksgiving
Turkeys that have been chilled below 26°, but not below 0°. Although they cannot be labelled as fresh turkeys, they don't have to be labelled as frozen either. Deep-chilled turkeys are usually ...
Hen turkey
Festivals; Thanksgiving
These are female turkeys, usually weighing from 8 to 16 pounds. On the other hand, tom turkeys are males, usually weighing from 18 to 32 pounds. Hen turkeys used to offer more white meat in the past. ...