Home > Industry/Domain > Garden
Anything related to the activity of attending to one's garden or the objects, animals,plants and shrubs found therein.
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Entertainment; TV
Digital Television. An advanced broadcasting technology that uses radio frequency (RF) to transmit computer code and display it as pictures and sound. DTV is the umbrella term ...
trp - total rating point
Advertising; Billboard advertising
Also called GRP (Gross Rating Point). The term refers to the total number of impressions delivered by a media schedule expressed as a percentage of a market population.

Super Bowl
Sports; Football
The championship game of the NFL (National Football League,) played between the champions of the AFC and NFC at a neutral site late January or early February; it is the ...
indicated thermal efficiency
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
The work done by fuel combustion inside a cylinder over a given time interval divided by the total heat content of the fuel supplied to the cylinder during that time.