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Any electronic device designed to inrease the volume of sound.
Industry: Consumer electronics
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Solid state
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
Refers to electronic components such as diodes and transistors that use semiconductors (crystals) instead of tubes.
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
A transducer device that converts electrical energy into sound waves. There are many different models of guitar speakers, each with its own particular power handling capability and tone.
Speaker cone
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
The cone-shaped part of the speaker that actually works as a piston to cause air motion and consequently sound.
Speaker emulator
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
A device composed of philtres that are designed to emulate the response of a loudspeaker, commonly used for direct recording applications.
Split-load phase inverter
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
The name given to the single-tube phase inverter in which the in-phase signal is taken off the cathode and the out-of-phase signal is taken off the plate, with equal-value plate and cathode ...
Parasitic oscillation
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
An unwanted oscillation in a tube amplifier, often at supersonic, inaudible frequencies. Parasitic oscillations can cause all sorts of problems, including overheating output tubes and bad tone.
Passive tone controls
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
Tone controls that only attenuate, or cut from, an audio signal. Generally a simple circuit, such as a pot and a capacitor, requiring no external power.