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Famous characters from video games.

Contributors in Characters



Video games; Characters

Calmaramon is an Aquatic Digimon whose name and design are derived from the "Calmar" (Fra: "Squid"). She is the Legendary Beast Warrior of Water, with the heritage of AncientMermaimon.


Video games; Characters

Calumon is an Animal Digimon whose name is derived from "To come" . It bears the Zero Unit on its forehead, and has a habit of ending all of its sentences with culu.


Video games; Characters

Cannondramon is a Cyborg Digimon whose name is derived from "cannon" and "dragon". It resembles an armoured diplodocus with three cannons on its back.


Video games; Characters

CannonBeemon is an Android Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose name and design are derived from "Cannon Bee".


Video games; Characters

CaptainHookmon is a Sea Man Digimon whose name and design are derived from the fictional Captain Hook.

Cardmon S1

Video games; Characters

Cardmon (S1) is a Digimon who name and design are derived from the trading card game.


Video games; Characters

Blossomon is a Vegetation Digimon whose name is derived from the flower blossom, and whose design is derived from the fictional Biollante. It has the appearance of a giant flower, with countless ...

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