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Famous characters from video games.

Contributors in Characters



Video games; Characters

While it is one of the "Royal Knights", it is said that to Holy Knights it is a being like a deterrent force, and in normal times it doesn't appear, so it is even called the "Aloof Hermit" with a ...

Allomon X

Video games; Characters

Allomon is the armour Digivolved form of Hawkmon through the Digi-Egg of Courage. He resembles an Allosaurus and is Tyrannomon's rival, but even he pales in comparison with Allomon's extremely ...

Alphamon Ouryuken

Video games; Characters

While it is one of the "Royal Knights", it is said that to Holy Knights it is a being like a deterrent force, and in normal times it doesn't appear, so it is even called the "Aloof Hermit" with a ...


Video games; Characters

The Warriors of Flame are AncientGreymon and his legacy, those Digimon whose forms the users of the Spirits of Flame he left behind can take. Those who use the Spirits of Flame have the ability to ...


Video games; Characters

Cardmon (S2) is a Digimon who name and design are derived from the trading card game.


Video games; Characters

Digimon is a Japanese TV series revolving around a fictional parallel universe called the "Digital World". The Digital World is populated "Digimon", creatures capable of understanding/speaking ...


Video games; Characters

Candlemon is a Flame Digimon whose name and design are derived from the candle. There is a flame on its head that resembles DemiMeramon, and if that flame goes out, it dies. Because of this, some say ...

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"War and Peace" (by Leo Tolstoy)

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