Contributors in Cheerleading
Leap frog
Dance; Cheerleading
Usually a transition where the bases "hop" top person over the backspots head and catch her in either a smush or cradle.
Dance; Cheerleading
Usually a transition where the bases "hop" top person over the backspots head and catch her in either a smush or cradle.
Dance; Cheerleading
Like a Show and Go but when reaching the top the flyer arches her back sending her backwords and the bases move to catch her.
Dance; Cheerleading
Two bases will each hold a different foot of a flyer and bring it up to a full extension. The flyer only stays up for two counts and returns back into a squish position.
Show and go
Dance; Cheerleading
Two bases will each hold a different foot of a flyer and bring it up to a full extension. The flyer only stays up for two counts and returns back into a squish position.
Dance; Cheerleading
A transition that connects two stunts when a flyer cradles out of the first stunt, and the bases dip and pop the flyer back into a load position. A similar stunt is a barrel roll.
Dance; Cheerleading
When a flyer switches the foot being stood on in mid air after being popped by bases.