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Ceremony for servicing, celebrating, and remembering the life of a deceased person.
Industry: Personal life
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Personal life; Funeral
A motor coach designed and used for the conveyance of the casketed remains from the place the funeral service is conducted to the cemetery. Also known as a Funeral Coach.
Casket spray
Personal life; Funeral
An arrangement of flowers that adorns the casket of the deceased.
Personal life; Funeral
Placing of a dead body in an underground chamber - earth burial- interment.
Personal life; Funeral
Dividing cremated remains for separate disposition such as putting some in an urn, spreading some on the sea or at a favourite location.
Personal life; Funeral
A person learning the funeral business under the supervision of a licenced director.
Personal life; Funeral
Hollowed out space in a wall made to place urns containing cremated remains.
Mortuary science
Personal life; Funeral
That part of the funeral service profession dealing with the proper preparation of the body for final disposition.