Home > Industry/Domain > Earth science > Geology


The science that comprises the study of the solid Earth and the processes by which it is shaped and changed.

Contributors in Geology


Brittle-ductile transition zone

Earth science; Geology

The location at depth within the earth's crust where the temperature and pressure have risen to such a high level that directed stress results in plastic deformation as opposed to fracturing and ...

Other sand deposit

Earth science; Geology

The adjoining accumulation of sediment derived from the depression where readily recognizable, is commonly included A shallow circular or elliptical depression in sand or dry soil formed by wind ...


Earth science; Geology

The multi-sided form of a mineral, bounded by planar growth surfaces, that is the outward expression of the ordered arrangement of atoms within it.

Carbonate rock

Earth science; Geology

A rock consisting primarily of a carbonate mineral such as calcite or dolomite, the chief minerals in limestone and dolostone, respectively.


Earth science; Geology

The middle era of Precambrian time, spanning the period between 3.8 and 2.5 billion years ago. Life arose on Earth during the early Archaean, as indicated by the appearance of fossil bacteria in ...

Central planning

Earth science; Geology

A state controlled economic system such as those in socialist countries. If done properly, central planning allows more efficient use of resources to achieve much faster development on a large scale. ...


Earth science; Geology

A small, curved scar made by vibratory chipping of a bedrock surface by rock fragments carried in the base of a glacier. Each mark is roughly transverse to the direction of flow, and either convex ...

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