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Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks.
Industry: Online services
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Confirmed opt-in
Software; Email
Inexact term that may refer to double-opt-in subscription processes or may refer to email addresses which do not hard bounce back a welcome message. Ask anyone using this term to define it more ...
Software; Email
When an email recipient performs a desired action based on a mailing you have sent. A conversion could be a monetary transaction, such as a purchase made after clicking a link. It could also include ...
Software; Email
Arrangement in which companies collecting registration information from users (email sign-up forms, shopping checkout process, etc.) include a separate box for users to cheque if they would also like ...
Cost per action (CPA)
Software; Email
A method of paying for advertising, or calculating results from non-CPA marketing.
Cost per click (CPC)
Software; Email
A method of paying for advertising. Different from CPA because all you pay for is the click, regardless of what that click does when it gets to your site or landing page.
Cross-campaign profiling
Software; Email
A method used to understand how email respondents behave over multiple campaigns.