Contributors in Marketing


Closed-ended question

Business services; Marketing

A closed-ended question is a question format that limits respondents with a set of answer choices to choose from when answering. The closed-ended question allows researchers to analyse the data at a ...

Retail life cycle

Business services; Marketing

The concept of product life cycle is also applicable to retail organizations. Retail organisations - like the goods and services they sell - pass through identifiable life-cycle stages of ...

Accelerated tariff elimination

Business services; Marketing

Unilateral or mutual move used in reducing or eliminating tariffs with another country, or between two countries, on a schedule that is faster than was originally anticipated, allowing for the ...

A fortiori analysis

Business services; Marketing

In decision theory, an analysis made to intentionally favour alternative solutions when compared to the solution adjudged as best one. The alternatives are deliberately weighted to make them look ...

Absolute auction

Business services; Marketing

Type of auction where the highest bidder acquires the item being auctioned (irrespective of the bid amount), and where the item does not have a reserve price below which it will not be sold.

Abstract and epitome of title

Business services; Marketing

Document that establishes the status of the present title to a property, and lists all items of record (such as claims, deeds, judgments, liens) that might affect the quality of the title. Also ...

Service provider

Business services; Marketing

A service provider is any organisation that provides goods, facilities or services to the public, whether paid for or free, no matter how large or small the organisation is. The definition of ...

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