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Soil science

That science dealing with soils as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils per se; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils.

Contributors in Soil science

Soil science

Catch crop

Earth science; Soil science

(i) A crop produced incidental to the main crop of the farm and usually occupying the land for a short period. (ii) A crop grown to replace a main crop that has failed.

Restriction enzyme

Earth science; Soil science

A class of highly specific enzymes which make double stranded breaks in DNA at specific sites near where they combine.


Earth science; Soil science

A coarse-grained, acid igneous rock containing chiefly alkali feldspar and quartz and some mica and/or hornblende.


Earth science; Soil science

A cutan that is light-colored in thin section because of the reduction and translocation of iron.


Earth science; Soil science

A great soil group of the intrazonal order and hydromorphic suborder consisting of soils with eluviated surface horizons underlain by B horizons more strongly eluviated, cemented, or compacted than ...


Earth science; Soil science

A coarse grained, clastic rock composed of angular fragments (>2mm) bonded by a mineral cement or in a finer-grained matrix of varying composition and origin.

Climatic index

Earth science; Soil science

A simple, single numerical value that expresses climatic relationships; for example, the numerical value obtained in Transeau's precipitation-evaporation ratio.

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