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Soil science

That science dealing with soils as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils per se; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils.

Contributors in Soil science

Soil science


Earth science; Soil science

A cutan with a consistent relationship with natural surfaces of soil material. It does not occur immediately at the surfaces. Similar to hypo-coating.

Secondary mineral

Earth science; Soil science

A mineral resulting from the decomposition of a primary mineral or from the reprecipitation of the products of decomposition of a primary mineral.

Electron donor

Earth science; Soil science

A compound which donates or supplies electrons during metabolism and is thereby oxidized.

Neutral soil

Earth science; Soil science

A soil in which the surface layer, at least in the tillage zone, is in the pH 6. 6 to 7. 3 range.


Earth science; Soil science

A general term for a course or channel along which water moves in draining an area.


Earth science; Soil science

A product obtained when phosphate rock is treated with H2SO4, H3PO4, or a mixture of those acids. * ammoniated - A product obtained when superphosphate is treated with NH3 or with solutions ...

Gypsic horizon

Earth science; Soil science

A mineral soil horizon of secondary CaSO4 enrichment that is >15 cm thick, has at least 50 g kg-1 more gypsum than the C horizon, and in which the product of the thickness in centimetres and the ...

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