Home > Industry/Domain > Advertising > Billboard advertising

Billboard advertising

Any advertising done using an outdoor poster or sign that one usually sees on motorways, main streets, and in busy public areas.

Contributors in Billboard advertising

Billboard advertising


Advertising; Billboard advertising

Certification by an outdoor company that contracted advertising services have been rendered.


Advertising; Billboard advertising

The process of selecting and scheduling individual unit locations to maximize outdoor advertising effects.


Advertising; Billboard advertising

Measuring and adjusting both the color and the intensity of individual pixels to ensure image consistency across the entire display.


Advertising; Billboard advertising

The largest standardized outdoor format, typically measuring 14’ x 48’ in overall size. Sold either as permanent displays or in rotary packages.


Advertising; Billboard advertising

Large format advertising displays intended for viewing from extended distances, generally more than 50 feet. Billboard displays include, but not limited to: 30-sheet posters, 8-sheet posters, ...


Advertising; Billboard advertising

A lighting fixture designed to hold fluorescent lamps. They are featured prominently throughout commercial and industrial complexes, and are powered by a transformer inside the housing. They house ...

media mix

Advertising; Billboard advertising

The combination of media types used together to meet the objectives of a media plan.

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