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New media advertising
Any advertising done using cutting edge technology and devices such as the internet, tablet computers and smartphonese etc. New media implies features such as on-demand access to content any time and anywhere, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content, and finally the prospect of the lack of external regulation of such content.
Industry: Advertising
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New media advertising
Vertical portal
Advertising; New media advertising
N the Web, a vertical portal is a Web site that provides a gateway to information related to a particular industry such as localization, health care, insurance, or automobiles. A vertical industry ...
Mouse trapping
Advertising; New media advertising
The use of browser tricks in an effort to keep a visitor captive at a site, often by disabling the "Back" button or generated repeated pop-up windows. Crucial Marketing
Surround session
Advertising; New media advertising
Advertising sequence in which a visitor receives ads from one advertiser throughout an entire site visit. Crucial Marketing
Banner ad
Advertising; New media advertising
Graphic advertisement placed on a web page, which acts as a hyper link to an advertiser's web site.
Behavioural targeting
Advertising; New media advertising
A technique used by advertisers to better target potential customers through their web browser history.
Brand loyalty
Advertising; Television advertising
The degree to which a customer is loyal to a given brand in that they are likely to re-purchase/re-use in the future. The level of loyalty indicates the degree to which a brand is protected form ...
Advertising; New media advertising
The process by which your site can display different pages under different circumstances. It is primarily used to show an optimised page to the search engines and a different page to humans. Most ...