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Generalised reinforcer

1) Duplicating modelled behaviour in novel instances beyond those explicitly taught.

2) A conditioned reinforcer effective for a wide range of behaviours as a result of pairing with a variety of previously established reinforcers. Due to this history, the effectiveness of a generalised reinforcer tends not to depend on any one state of deprivation. Money is a prime example of a generalised reinforcer. It has been paired with and can be exchanged for a variety of other reinforcers.

3) Reinforcers that are associated with a variety of other reinforcers. Money is a common example of a generalised reinforcer.

4) A conditioned reinforcer based on several primary reinforcers. Its effectiveness depends less on the establishing operations appropriate to any single primary reinforcer than does that of conditioned reinforcers based on only a single primary reinforcer. Money is often offered as an example of a generalised reinforcer of human behavior. Goal gradient. systematic changes in responding that occur with changes in an organism's physical or temporal separation from a reinforcer (e.g., changes in running speed as a rat approaches the goalbox of a maze).

5) A conditioned reinforcer that is associated with many other reinforcers. This kind of reinforcer is effective because the person is usually deprived with respect to at least one of the backup reinforcers.

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