Home > Industry/Domain > Biology; Biotechnology > Biochemistry


The scientific study of the chemistry of living matter.

Contributors in Biochemistry


Omega (Ω)-loop

Biology; Biochemistry

An irregular secondary structure on the surface of many globular proteins that consists of 6-16 amino acid residues folded into a rigid, tightly packed loop in which the N- and C-terminal ends are ...


Biology; Biochemistry

When a property (e.g. radioactivity, enzyme activity, etc.) decreases at a rate proportional to its concentration, the time, t ½ , taken for the property to decrease to one-half its initial value; ...


Biology; Biochemistry

Appearance in several forms, e.g. of a protein that is subject to tissue-specific post-translational modification, or of mRNA that is processed through alternative splice sites; also the appearance ...

Sedimentation constant

Biology; Biochemistry

A measure of the rate of sedimentation in an analytical ultracentrifuge; v/ω 2 x, where v is the rate of sedimentation, ω is the angular velocity in radians/s and x is the distance from the axis of ...


Biology; Biochemistry

A rod-shaped cytoplasmic protein, and a vital part of a protein complex that connects the muscle cytoskeleton to the surrounding extracellular matrix through the cell membrane to maintain muscle ...

RNase cleavage

Biology; Biochemistry

A method for detection of single base substitutions in DNA fragments. A labelled RNA probe that spans the target DNA sequence becomes susceptible to RNase A cleavage wherever there is any mismatch in ...

Greek key

Biology; Biochemistry

A topology found in some protein structures; antiparallel β-strands are organised into a barrel in which strands that are adjacent in the primary structure are not always adjacent in super-secondary ...

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