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Marketing communications
Of or related to the coordination of a single advertisement delivered through one or more channels such as print, radio, television, direct mail, and personal selling etc.
Industry: Advertising
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Marketing communications
gross margin
Advertising; Marketing communications
The calculation of net sales value minus the cost of goods over a defined period.
promotion management
Advertising; Marketing communications
The process of determining and co-ordinating the elements of the promotional mix.
Advertising; Marketing communications
The process by which an individual receives, organizes and interprets information.
personal selling
Advertising; Marketing communications
The process by which a vendor communicates with one or more potential buyers to make sales.
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (
Advertising; Marketing communications
Used in the analysis of a company or brand's competitive position.
Symbolic representation
Advertising; Marketing communications
Words, pictures or images used to convey a message.
Advertising; Marketing communications
The connexion of a company or product with a public event in which the manufacturer contributes towards part or all of the costs in return for the benefit of association.