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Billboard advertising
Any advertising done using an outdoor poster or sign that one usually sees on motorways, main streets, and in busy public areas.
Industry: Advertising
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Billboard advertising
Advertising; Billboard advertising
The boundaries of a market, the percentage of a county or counties exposed to an outdoor advertising campaign or the reach of the panels purchased.
cost per gross ratings point
Advertising; Billboard advertising
The cost of advertising exposure opportunities that equal one gross rating point in a market or one percent of the population.
Advertising; Billboard advertising
copy, is make a copy of, artwork displayed/exposed on an outdoor unit.
daily impressions
Advertising; Billboard advertising
Also called DEC. The estimated number of persons passing an outdoor location on an average day.
cpm - cost per thousand
Advertising; Billboard advertising
The cost of reaching one thousand advertising exposure opportunities in a market.
Advertising; Billboard advertising
The number of people who have an opportunity to see an ad in a given period of time.
grp - gross rating point
Advertising; Billboard advertising
The total number of impressions delivered by a media schedule expressed as a percentage of a market population. One rating point represents a circulation equal to 1% of the market population.