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Marketing communications
Of or related to the coordination of a single advertisement delivered through one or more channels such as print, radio, television, direct mail, and personal selling etc.
Industry: Advertising
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Marketing communications
Advertising; Marketing communications
Groupings of individuals based on characteristics such as age, sex, race and income.
Advertising; Marketing communications
The spread of a new idea throughout a group of individuals.
Direct mail
Advertising; Marketing communications
The use of postal and other delivery techniques to communicate with a defined target audience.
Emotional responses
Advertising; Marketing communications
Those non-rational reactions to a proposition which are based on intangible benefits or associations which a product or service can induce.
Advertising; Marketing communications
A pattern of media expenditure in which the budget is deployed at a comparatively low level over an extended period .
Display allowance
Advertising; Marketing communications
A sum of money paid to a retailer in return for the featuring of a manufacturer's products prominently at the point of purchase.
Decision stage
Advertising; Marketing communications
That part of the process of consumer buying behaviour which results in an evaluative judgement about the alternatives.