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Marketing communications
Of or related to the coordination of a single advertisement delivered through one or more channels such as print, radio, television, direct mail, and personal selling etc.
Industry: Advertising
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Marketing communications
Benefit segmentation
Advertising; Marketing communications
A grouping of consumers based on the specific benefits they desire from a product.
Brand loyalty
Advertising; Marketing communications
A measurement of the extent to which consumers are committed to a particular brand.
Brand image
Advertising; Marketing communications
The total impression created in the consumer's mind by a brand and all its associations, functional and non-functional.
Brand equity
Advertising; Marketing communications
The assignment of a capital value to a brand. Sometimes used to describe the intangible benefits associated with the use of a brand.
Advertising; Marketing communications
Knowledge and feelings – both positive and negative – towards a subject.
Advertising; Marketing communications
The physical or emotional qualities which a product or service possesses .
Advertising; Marketing communications
The number of individuals reached by an advertising medium.